Well, I just thought I would ramble a little bit, because I understand that I am good at that.
First, let me remind you to get out and Vote tomorrow. Now I vote at St. Paul's but I like what Salem UCC does and they have a bake sale that you visit before or after voting. Actually at Salem they have Ham & Cheese Sandwiches along with baked goods and this time, for the first time, they have added Chicken Orzo Soup to the menu. As luck would have it, I am off tomorrow so I plan on stopping down at Salem for lunch and because I was off I decided to make something for the bake sale.
I wanted to make something different for the bake sale so I decided to make potato candy, a favorite of mine, but this blogger has never attempted to make the sweet treat except for many years ago and I messed it up at the time. So tonight I tried and will find out later when I cut them to see if they turned out okay. My kitchen, of course, is now covered in powdered sugar, along with me. I also tried to make chocolate potato candy, it looks okay so far.
On another note, if you see me out in front of my house, bent over with a yellow glove on, I have sad news, my bush has worms, yes... it is true, my mugo pine has European pine sawfly larvae. I tried going the non-toxic way and I cut off the infested branches and also tried to hand pick off the worms, drowning the little suckers in soapy water, but there are too many, so I purchases insecticide, so die suckers and leave my bushes alone.
Well I gotta go watch Dancing with the Stars, love you all, and that's just another day in Catasauqua.
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