Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hark the Herald Choirs Catasauqua

A few years ago my church Salem UCC,  combined with St. Paul's Lutheran Church to do St. Paul's Annual Candlelight Concert.  At the time we were experiencing some "dark times" at Salem and with out the help of St. Paul's and Pastor Gary Walbert, I think  a lot of us would of been without Christmas Spirit. 

Sometimes I think, oh, I don't want to take the time and participate, but then I do and I am glad I did;  and the night of the concert......all I can say is that sometimes, it takes my breath away.  If you have never gone, go this year.  It is tomorrow afternoon, December 11, at 3:30 pm.  Elizabeth Knecht is performing, she is an excellent dancer and soloist.  The voice of an angel.  Mike Fister on the organ at ear splitting volume.  Maybe it's because I sit to close to the speakers.  Besides the combined Choirs (St. Paul's and Salem), there is The James Ruhf Bagpipe Band.  When they come in, omg, it is awesome.  We are suppose to sing "La's" while they play Highland Cathedral, but I am always crying, sorry.

I also see in the bulletin that besides Pastor Gary, our own Pastor Elect Michael Smith will be there.  For those who don't know Pastor Mike will be our new permanent Pastor starting in January. 

There is refreshments afterwards and if that is not enough to make you come, well, I'll be playing the Bongo - yup I am!!!  For real!  I am all excited.  Maybe one day I'll get a drum solo!

Now, if you are still in the mood for music, then next Saturday, December 17th,  you are invited to Luminary Night in North Catasauqua.  The North Catasauqua Community Chorus "We Sing!" will perform a concert in the North Catasauqua Park beginning at 6:30 PM.  North Catasauqua (and parts of Catty) will be all a glow with luminaries throughout the town and around the Park. 

Music is always special, but Christmas songs, well they warm your heart and your soul.  We sing fun songs about reindeers and Santa Claus, but it is those songs about a special baby,  born in a manger that gives that true glowing feeling.

I love Christmas and I love Christmas music and in Catasauqua and North Catasauqua music will fill the air and dispell the darkness of night, because you are never alone when you can find the Light and Love of Christmas. And that's......another day in Catasauqua.

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