It is so easy at this time of the year to get disgusted with people, with shopping and with crowds. The shopping takes precedence over what the holiday is all about, LOVE. The gift of a baby, Jesus was God's love coming down to us. He sent Jesus to guide us and show us love. To help others, to give love away. Simply, to love.
I have another friend, I will keep her name of out this, she knows who she is, who told me she had an issue with a family member. She was very upset, so upset she did NOT want to do anything. She did not want to attend anything, go anywhere or help with anything. She sat, but she prayed, and she wrote in her journal. Then she prayed more and wrote more. I thought, how strong this woman was. She might not of thought so at that moment, but she was. She didn't fly off the handle, like I might have, or got sick with worry - she was turning over her problems to someone much bigger who is there to handle our problems. And the answer is always the same, love. If someone has done something that you

are upset about you need to love them anyway. You need to love yourself, even if you think you can't.
Now before I get too preachy let's just talk about how wonderful life is. Sometimes we might not think that but it is. I love living in Catasauqua, it's not Bedford Falls, but it is a nice small town and you know what - the world would not be a better place without you in it. Clarence showed George Bailey just that. George did not have enough love for himself, but soon found out that everyone in town loved him and helped him in his time of need.
I am lucky, I have a house, food, family and friends. What I lack in money, I make up in love. So, if you see me and I am not smiling, remind me to smile. If you come across someone suffering from PHS (Pre-Holiday Syndrome) flash them a smile, give them patience and add a little love.
Everyone is dealing with something, remember that and remember, it is a wonderful life....and that's another day in Catasauqua.