I thought I kept a dragon in a jar. Every so often I would let him out to fly around and then I would scoop him back up and place him into the jar again. My dragon's name was Puff, of course, the song by Peter, Paul and Mary was popular at that time, I was about 6 years old.
Puff was an actual puff, you know the puff that is bigger that a dandelion puff, the way the seeds of a plant spread. Anyway, when I was a child I caught one of these big puffs (thinking it was a dragon, hey I didn't know what a dragon was suppose to look like, don't judge me) and that was what I kept in my jar. It was truly magical, I had it in the jar for days and I would let him out to fly and I would run around the yard with him. I sang to him (Puff the Magic Dragon lived by the see and frolicked in the Autumn mist with a girl called Beverleeeee, sorry I am a creative singer) I tried to feed him. but he didn't eat anything. But like my grandfather taught me, you can't keep creatures in a jar really long, they will die. So eventually I left him fly away. I truly loved Puff, I told him all my secrets, well at least the secrets of a 6 year old girl.
So why am I tell you this, well, this morning on my way to work suddenly there was a puff on my car window. It plopped right directly in front of me, like it was looking at me, then it swirled across my window, just like a little dance and I smiled and all the memories of Puff, my dragon, came rushing back to me. I even had tears thinking about it. Isn't it amazing how little things can make you happy.
In this world, as a grown-up, it seems like it takes a lot to make us happy. Everything seems so technical and we are skeptical of everyone and everything. But, then I thought about it, isn't the simple things still what make us truly happy. Think about it. A baby being born, love, a smile and even a fart makes us laugh. (Yes, Barbara I am thinking about you!).
Today I am thankful for that magical puff, the one I met today, and the one that played with a lonely little girl back in 1963. Heck, maybe it was the same Puff.
May you find still find pleasure in the simplest of things. Don't let life get so busy and complicated that you miss it.
Smile, because, that's another day in Catasauqua.