I would like this mural outside my back door!
One of my BFF's at work, Barbara just mentioned that there was an article in today's Morning Call about a proposed mural on Front Street. I was like .....what?
Here is an excerpt from the article:
"Catasauqua plans to beautify the Pine Street gateway to the borough with a large mural.
The painting is one of several improvements planned at the intersection of Pine and Front streets, where many commuting motorists cross the Lehigh River on their way to and from the borough each day.
The old brick facade, next to the Lukoil gas station, contains several bricked in windows. Borough Manager Eugene Goldfeder said borough officials mused that the windows could serve as "windows to the past," featuring elements from Catasauqua's history, such as the George Taylor House and other notable sites. However, such an element is at the discretion of the chosen artist and his or her proposal.
Goldfeder said the goal of the mural is to beautify the gateway to the borough. It would be placed amid a growing commercial stretch (*I thinking that's stretching it a bit) along Front Street to the Pine Street Bridge and beyond.
The mural is the most obvious improvement of the entire gateway," Goldfeder said.
The work will be funded with a $40,000 matching Community Development Block Grant. Lehigh County is allotting $36,000 and the borough is kicking in $4,000.
Goldfeder said the mural is expected to cost $10,000 to $12,000 with the rest of the funds for such possible items as new streetlights, lighting for the mural, crosswalks, benches or even a bus shelter."
I don't know - a mural really - I am all for new streetlights, crosswalks, benches or even the bus shelter. How about beautifying the town with flower planters or some nice trash containers? I am always impressed with Hershey, Pennsylvania when the girls and I go for a Joyce Meyer Convention every year. That have huge flower planters and hanging flower pots that just brighten up the city.
Who knows, maybe I will love the mural, I hope so I will pass it every day once the Pine Street Bridge opens again.
What I think Catty should do to raise some money is sell tickets for the chance to be the first one over the bridge when it reopens - I would pay for the chance to do that. OH, PINE STREET BRIDGE HOW I MISS YOU.
and that's another day in Catasauqua.