One day, not long ago something caught my eye on my drive up Pine Street, it was a bicycle, actually it was a few bicycles, in row. I later learned that this work of art was the brain child of one, Ben Ferenchak who lives at the corner of Fifth and Pine Streets. Later I found the Tour de Fence Facebook page and I learned why Ben built the bike fence.

Also, let us not forget Ben organized the Mother of All Class Reunions in 2014 - that was the best class reunion ever!
An illness has sidelined Ben from riding in these long bike rides, but it hasn't stopped him from raising money for the American Cancer Society. You see, this artistic endeavor of Ben's fence is to help raise money for the Pennsylvania Perimeter Ride Against Cancer.
Tour de Fence is a tribute art exhibit made from old bikes that is a memorial to those who have lost their battle to cancer, and also honors those fighting cancer and those who have survived cancer.

On this Saturday, July 23, 2016, at 1:00 PM there will be a Dedication of Tour de Fence and Block Party at the corner of Fifth and Pine Streets in Catasauqua. There will be live music supplied by Tavern Tan, food, games, Basket Raffle, & 50/50. There will be Attic Treasures, a bake sale, prayer booth and more. I don't know about you - but I plan on being there.
Cancer has probably touched your life, if not personally I am sure you know a family member or friend who either is gone because of it or is fighting it or has had victory over it. I hope so many people come out this Saturday that is causes a traffic jam. (I don't care I am in walking distance)
If you can't make it and want to donate - here is the site
Ben's goal is $10,000.00 he is almost half way there, let's make it happen!!!!
You know, times like this, events like this, make me proud to live in Catasauqua. The Morning Call tomorrow will have an article from Bill White on Tour de Fence. Tour de Fence has been on WFMZ
So DONATE, or just COME ON OUT Saturday to TOUR DE FENCE and celebrate and I can promises you it won't be just ......Another day in Catasauqua, it will be special.