Oh sorry - still rocking out to the Large Flowerheads. They kicked off Old Home Week with a free concert at the Catasauqua Amphitheater tonight and it was great. Parke and I walked down and met with bff's Cathy and Jaime - I think Cathy and I sang Jaime out of the park because she left a little early. But Cathy, Parke and I - well mostly Cathy and I, sang, played air guitar, air drum, and our air green tambourine to all the great music. (Parke did sing to Born to be Wild)
The Large FlowerHeads were wonderful - they did three sets starting at 6:30 pm and ending at 10:00 PM - we certainly got our monies worth. Oh wait, it was free, even better yet. Sons of the American Legion were grilling hamburgers and hotdogs at really cheap prices, all around it was a great, fun, family friendly way to start this week's event.
Good size crowd to see the Large FlowerHeads |
Even got a visit from bff, Cyril,
who is in town visiting. Good to see you Cyril - so glad you stopped by!
One Debby Downer was that the Catty Cops were giving parking tickets out to some of the cars parked in the grass down at the pool - really Catty. Do you think the police were handing out tickets to the carriages parked in the wrong spot or to the horsies pooping back in 1914? We get to celebrate this great occasion once and parking was rough - give the people a break.
I saw one drunk who said something about the 70's and something about beer to me, I don't know what he said but it was funny just because he was drunk.
Anyway - there are more events Saturday
Saturday June 28, 9am - 3pm MainStreets Downtown Block Party &
5K Race On Bridge St.
Sponsored by Catasauqua Main
Streets business association, the day begins with a 5K Race in
conjunction with Run Lehigh Valley; the race begins and ends on Bridge
St. Bridge Street will be lined with vendors, food and activities; all
local businesses are invited to setup at the event. Music during the
event includes Phat Boys from 9am-noon, and the Blackbird Society
Orchestra from noon-3pm, sponsored by the Gas House Dance Hall. There
will be memorabilia displays at the Library, and we hope to capture the
stories of the towns’ past through videography in the Bridge St Gallery.
Saturday June 28, 6pm @ Willow Brook Farms
The 28th is capped off with a
Square Dance and barbeque at the old stone barn at Willow Brook Farms.
There will be wagon tours of the farm beginning at 5:30. Music will be
provided by Diane Hartzell (caller) and the Contra Deceptives with
Peifley as a featured guest caller!
Note:Due to Fire Code
Regulations, the dance & BBQ will not be in the old stone barn, but
will be outside at the lake by the kilns.
Directions: Enter off of
Howertown Road at Fuller Drive, just south of the Willow Brook Golf
Club. At the end of the tree-lined drive, turn right onto the narrow
paved road (there will be a barrier for thru traffic). Parking will be
at the end of the road.
OMG - I WOULD JUST LOVE TO GO TO THIS- Mr. Peifley calling!!!! I also would love to hear him play the Chicken Fat song to!!!!
Well Catasauqua, great start - can't wait for all the events this weekend and next. Watch for my blog as I hit the events.
and that's Another day in Catasauqua