The Catasauqua Amphitheater is situated at such a great spot at the bottom on the three dips - it's own natural arena. It makes me wonder - are the three dips man made? I know that the WPA Playground Project of 1935 was used to construct the pool and pool house, but what about the three dips?
Anyway - lets talk about the summer concert series - we went to hear the Toga Party Band. They were fun - music was good. Every Friday night from May 29 to September 4 there is a different band. Take your blanket, some food and drinks and perhaps chairs and your night is complete. Heck I even saw a table set up,

We had plans to go last Friday night to see Steel Creek, but unfortunately some dog I know decided to put his head up some skunk butt, needless to say I didn't want anyone to pet Stinky Pete. This week I have an Iron Pigs Game so I will miss James Supra Band, but I have a few more weekends left to get back to hear some more music.
I give Catasauqua a two thumbs up for their summer concert series. If you are looking for something free and fun to do on a Friday night - check it out ....and that's Another day in Catasauqua.