Well, it's the day after the annual sleepover and I am tired. For the first time in the history of the sleepovers everyone showed up. Twenty were invited and during the course of the evening 20 attended. Over the years we have taken the group shot on the stairs, on the sofa, and even in bed. This years picture was on the sofa again, because it was the only place we could all fit.
It was a night of laughs, food and fun. First we ate, omg what great food, 4 crockpots, one with chicken chili, the next one, chicken barbeque, then sausage soup and last but not least, homemade perogies. There was fruit, potato salad, chips, dip, shrimp, taquitos (which were wonderful, thanks Roseanne) Lan's wonton thingys, and that's only a portion of what was there.

We later went through books that were part of the collection from our friend Miriam, who recently departed this life. Tons of books and we went through them and shared them with each other. The real laughs began when we went through Miriam's scarf collection. There were scarves for everyone and it got crazy, we made headbands, Tammy went pirate on us, and we even decided to make some of them into bandeaus, some of us needed more fabric than others.

We, of course, had to break out the fortune telling cards and I had to read everyone future, which turned out to be very bright this year for everyone. Everyone it seems was meeting a new love, and since the only place we ever really go to meet people is church -- all I can say is WATCH OUT CHRIS KOLLAR.
A majority left by midnight and we popped in a movie, Bridesmaids. There were 8 of us left and we settled in around 2:15 AM. I felt that I didn't fall asleep till around 4am, but Tammy assures me that I was snoring before that.
Nancy #1, got up at the ungodly time of 6am and I rolled off the inflatable bed at 7:00 am. Miraculously, I have not napped, but instead took down my valentine stuff and got out my St. Patty's Day stuff. Cathy and book club 2 will be proud of how I draped around the green scarves from last night. Seriously though, the scarf that I had in my hair last night, one of Miriams', is now on my piano with a matching green candle holder on it. The funny thing - they are the exact same color, and the candle was a gift from Miriam for my 50th birthday.
I prepared my lesson for Sunday School early today and I have already showered and am now enjoying the leftover chocolate wine from last night. I don't think I will last much longer I felt like dozing off about an hour ago, so I will leave you with this. Enjoy life, party when you can, act like a fool occasionally, and cherish your friends. Finally, sometimes stay up late with your friends, because the next day will be another day in Catasauqua.