Saturday, October 29, 2011

HO HO HO it's Halloween

Well, it is almost Halloween and we are seeing SNOW.  What the heck!  I wrote on Facebook yesterday that it was going to snow because I was going to walk in my first 5K and I figured it was an abomination against nature and it was going to revolt.  Well, it revolted so much that the 5K was cancelled, so I used the time to run to the Farmer's Market in Allentown.  The sleet was pelting the car on the way to the market and the snow started to come down on the way home.  Now for my readers not from this area, let me explain that snow, especially accumulating snow is very  unusual at this time of the year. 

It is starting to look like a winter wonderland out there - I was just out taking a few pictures and wow it is laying on the grass fast.  I know this snow won't stay around long, the weather is bound to be warmer soon, but it does look pretty, for now.   But tonight is Trick or Treat, hopefully it will be postponed until tomorrow night, I had read on my water/sewer bill that the rain date for Trick or Treat was Sunday night, I wonder if they consider this snow date??...... and that's .... another day in Catasauqua.

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