Gracie |
My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Happy July 4th dear readers, from Catasauqua and from yours truly. Of course I didn't wake up today feeling like this. I had had plans of going to hear the Declaration of Independence read this morning at the George Taylor Mansion. For you non-local readers, George Taylor was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. His home, which is located in Catasauqua was built by Taylor in 1768. It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1971. However, my morning went bad fast.
Remember this one from the other day, now he is dressed up |
First, there is an unwritten law that states "Do no talk to Bev upon waking with any news, good or bad, chores or complaints until either one hour after waking or until the consumption of 2 or more cups of coffee." My mother does not follow this rule and upon my waking did all of the above.
Later in the day, I got in better mood by visiting my bff Cathy, and her family, dressed up her dog Gracie and I consumed a watermelon beer called Hell or High Watermelon Wheat Beer. I didn't taste the watermelon that much when I was drinking it, but I tasted it later in a burp!
After leaving Cathy's, my spirits were lifted and I felt a little more patriotic. I decided to take a walk with the camera to capture some 4th of July spirit in Catty! I feel a lot better now, I walked, I sweated and thought about how great it is to really be an American. To see the flags flying, hearing the children playing, listen to the pops and snaps of firecrackers and to smell the hamburgers on the grill, yes that's all part of being an American.
One of my favorite songs, and I have many, is Lee Greenwood's Proud to Be an American. My very favorite part is:
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.
Yes, God Bless the USA, God Bless Catasauqua and may God Bless you this day and always, and that's...another day in Catasauqua.
My house! |